ULTRA H2 Molecular

ULTRA H2 Molecular

Ultra H2 is a state-of-the-art Molecular Hydrogen Water Generator that has an exquisite technology that generates hydrogen ions into your drinking water. Hydrogen, is a potent antioxidant. In fact, it is the most powerful antioxidant that has ever existed. Extensive studies prove that molecular hydrogen consumption shows remarkable therapeutic effects upon the human body.


Production of hydrogen in drinking water can help restore your health with its preventive properties and therapeutic effects that can provide treatment for various chronic diseases such as: Alzheimer’s, arthritis, cancer, diabetes and heart diseases!

Ultra H2 aims to give easy access to healthy water at your convenience. This HydroCeutical product generates molecular hydrogen using the electrolysis process, which separates oxygen and hydrogen molecules. With Ultra H2 you will only need 3-5 minutes to get a cup of therapeutic molecular hydrogen water. Molecular hydrogen content per cycle can reach up to 1,500 ppb (parts per billion) per minute.

Health Benefits
  • It is an antioxidant and prevents brain damage (neuro protective).
  • It can improve mood disorders.
  • Combats inflammation.
  • Prevents metabolic syndrome, ie the condition of high cardiovascular risk.
  • Reduces muscle fatigue and helps to lose weight.
  • Enhances mitochondrial function, ie metabolism and energy production.
  • Regulates glucose and cholesterol, with particular efficacy in the treatment of diabetes.
  • Treats metabolic acidosis.
  • Prevents cancer.

Specifications ULTRA H2:
  • Power: DC 3.7V / 1600 mAh (lithium polymer battery).
  • Power supply: AC 100-240V / 50 – 60Hz / DC 5V, 0.3A
  • Dimension: 272(H)x75(D1)x65(D2) mm
  • Weight: 400 g. / Capacity: 500 ml.
  • 5 minutes / 15 minutes: 1100 ppb ~ 1200 ppb.
  • Use temperature: 5-40°C., Electrode: Platinum paled + titanium.
  • Regulates glucose and cholesterol, with particular efficacy in the treatment of diabetes.
  • Molecular hydrogen concentration varies on water quality and water temperature

We are an independent major distributor serving individuals, groups, and organizations interested in health, wellness, and financial freedom.

Contact Us
  • Call: +234 810 658 2919
  • Call: +234 805 512 2411
  • Email: info@aimglobal.com.ng
About This Website

DISCLAIMER: This website is not the official company website of Alliance in Motion Global, Inc. This is an independent distributor site that aims to contribute to the growth and expansion of AIM Global, Inc., by serving its current and potential distributors, clients, and all persons interested in health, wellness, and financial freedom. Posts and articles are for educational purposes only and do not constitute medical advise.