AIM Global Registration

What Is AIM Global?

Alliance in Motion Global Inc. (AIM Global) is an MLM-Network Marketing company in the Philippines, presently in more than 20 countries, and in progressive global expansion. Alliance In Motion Global is only the exclusive worldwide distributor of premium nutritional supplements manufactured by Nature’s Way – the Number 1 food supplement/herbal manufacturer in the USA and world leader in delivering high-quality products that promote wellness to the user.

AIM Global is recently awarded as “Best Company in the Network Marketing Industry” by the Multi-Level Marketing International Association (MLMIA), an independent institution for monitoring the network marketing industry. Its Visionary President and CEO, Dr. Ed Cabantog is likewise awarded as among the “Best of the Best leader in the Industry”.

AIM GLOBAL is the business of the 21st century that delivers on its promises of raising real millionaires by turning ordinary people into an instant success story, and here is how to register for Alliance In Motion Global business opportunity, and become a lifetime member (thereby opening the doors of residual income generation for you and your loved ones) with this step-by-step explanation.

aim global compensation plan

Start Enjoying Financial Freedom

Joining Alliance in Motion Global Nigeria is pretty simple, we have streamlined the whole process for you. There are two ways by which you can register; the manual way and the Online Way!

  • Your first step to achieving your goals is to decide to start this business today!
  • The Second Step is to Join the RIGHT Team – You need to join a Moving and Growing Team that can help you Grow fast in this business. If you are reading this, then you a fortunate person.

Global Registration Procedure

Registration For Nigerians

To Join AIM Global, you can pay directly into any of the Alliance In Motion Global local bank accounts below (any branch nearest to you).

Once you have made your payment, (check below for the amount), send the TELLER NUMBER, YOUR FULL NAME, EMAIL ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER, and ADDRESS (we’ll as well ship your starter kit to this address) as a text message to +2348106582919 or email as soon as you made the payment so that we can process your registration within 3 to 6 hours maximum.

All payments must be deposited to the following account details or through POS swipe payment at the office. STRICTLY ‘NO CASH POLICY’

NOT ALLOWED: Debit Alert, Opay Receipt, POS Agent Receipt, Web Payment Receipt, ATM Transfer Receipt, USSD Payment, Etc.

Bank Account Details
Bank Name: Access Bank
Account Name: AIM Global-Ibadan RC
Account Number: 0699640206

Bank Name: Zenith Bank
Account Name: Alliance in Motion Global Nigeria Ltd Ibadan
Account Number: 1219409851

PLEASE NOTE: You must use your full name while making the payment to aid the processing.

For Other Countries Apart From Nigeria?

Due to an increase in people’s exposure to our business opportunity and our efforts to expand to every corner of the world, people from outside Nigeria can also take advantage of this business by getting in touch with us.

We will arrange how you can safely come onboard with ease. You can pay via Western Union, Bitcoin, Ethereum, or Direct bank transfer/deposit. Just contact us for directions.

Our Membership Packages

Alliance In Motion Global distributors can now make more money with the new plan with the same effort. Get ready for massive income this year 2023 and beyond, it is time to achieve those long-awaited dreams and lifestyle using the Economy Designer 3.0 Plan.



Lifetime Duration
aim global entriverse package

Daily Potential = ₦168,000

Weekly Potential = ₦1,176,000

Monthly Potential = ₦5,040,000

Buy This Package


Lifetime Duration
aim global neoverse package

Daily Potential = ₦504,000

Weekly Potential = ₦3,528,000

Monthly Potential = ₦15,120,000

Buy This Package


Lifetime Duration
technoverse package

Daily Potential = ₦1,176,000

Weekly Potential = ₦8,232,000

Monthly Potential = ₦35,280,000

Buy This Package


Lifetime Duration
aim global digiverse package

Daily Potential = ₦1,176,000

Weekly Potential = ₦8,232,000

Monthly Potential = ₦35,280,000

Buy This Package


Lifetime Duration
aim global megaverse package

Daily Potential = ₦2,520,000

Weekly Potential = ₦17,640,000

Monthly Potential = ₦75,600,000

Buy This Package


Lifetime Duration
aim global maxiverse package

Daily Potential = ₦5,208,000

Weekly Potential = ₦36,456,000

Monthly Potential = ₦156,240,000

Buy This Package

Chat with us now to start enjoying
financial freedom and exciting

We are an independent major distributor serving individuals, groups, and organizations interested in health, wellness, and financial freedom.

Contact Us
  • Call: +234 810 658 2919
  • Call: +234 805 512 2411
  • Email:
About This Website

DISCLAIMER: This website is not the official company website of Alliance in Motion Global, Inc. This is an independent distributor site that aims to contribute to the growth and expansion of AIM Global, Inc., by serving its current and potential distributors, clients, and all persons interested in health, wellness, and financial freedom. Posts and articles are for educational purposes only and do not constitute medical advise.