
Our Compensation Plan

We have tried as much as possible to provide a short overview of our AIM Global Marketing Plan to give you a head-start and firsthand information about what differentiates us from all the rest of the companies out there. We give you the right to do the justice to our business plan. We have unlimited income potential, with our lucrative compensation plan for our astonishing members and distributors. No Time frame, No Quota, and No Compulsion!

AIM Global provides you with a high value income opportunity through its most pro distributor compensation plan. By simply doing and accomplishing the above activities the company rewards you with six ways by which you multiply your income through its binary MLM structure:

Retail profit

Income of 25% just by sharing and inviting people to use the products. What NO QUOTA means as shown in the image below, is that, if you decided to venture into the Retailing aspect, we don’t force you to buy a specific amount or set a time frame for you to sell.

Direct Referral Bonus

There are 5 different variances of D.R.B depending on the Package your prospect registers with. For every person you refer or invite to join the business and purchase any of the packages above under you, you will get the Instant Direct Referral Bonus for that Package.

  • 20,000 for every person you refer or invite to join the business and purchase a Entriverse Package
  • 25,000 for every person you refer or invite to join the business and purchase a Neoverse Package
  • 30,000 for every person you refer or invite to join the business and purchase a Technoverse Package
  • 50,000 for every person you refer or invite to join the business and purchase a Digiverse Package
  • 100,000 for every person you refer or invite to join the business and purchase a Megaverse Package
  • 150,000 for every person you refer or invite to join the business and purchase a Maxiverse Package
Matching Bonus

Earn ₦7,000/$18 every time there is a referral at the left and right side of your binary organization or an equivalent product purch
ase up to a maximum of ₦168,000/$441 per day for 1 Global Package Purchased (You Can Open Up To 31 Accounts To Maximize Your Income).

The very good thing here is you get ₦7,000 matching bonus whether the match comes from your direct referral or indirectly from anyone under your network of distributors.

aim global unilevel bonus
Unilevel Income

5% -10% on monthly purchases of your direct referrals and their respective down lines’ purchases up to the 10th level. The 10 levels are completed from further down when anyone in the top 10 level made no purchase for the month. This applies to all your direct referrals and respective down lines no mater how many (no limit).

Stair Step Plan (Overriding Commission)
  • Silver Executive – 10% overriding commission on your group’s sales volume. Achieved when the equivalent points of your group’s sales volume reached 10 points.
  • Gold Executive – 20% overriding commission on your group’s sales volume. Achieved when the equivalent points of your group’s sales volume reached 100 points.
  • Global Ambassador – 30% overriding commission on your group’s sales volume. Achieved when the equivalent points of your group’s sales volume reached 1,000 points.

Uni Pay Plan

It is a hybrid of unilevel and stairstep combined. distributor will enjoy commission from first level up to 20th level following their stairstep genealogy (same name compression plus dynamic compression).

aim global uni pay plan bonus
aim global royalty income

Royalty Income 

Once you get promoted as GA or Global AMBASSADOR, you get the 2% group product sales from all Global Ambassadors in your group up to the 5th level.

AIM Global Compensation Plan ADVANTAGES

  • No “compulsory” selling or re-ordering of products
  • No pyramiding or demotion
  • No matrix filling or cycling (because we are not illegal ponzi scheme)
  • No auto-ship or passing up of downlines
  • Real-time income and activity tracking through our Online Data Tracking System
  • Daily payout to your Nigerian bank accounts
  • Registration is one-time and there’s no need to pay again till eternity, yet you will earn around the clock (as your team activities are growing)
  • Professional training system (to guide you into knowing the business better and presenting it to the world at large – all for FREE!

We are an independent major distributor serving individuals, groups, and organizations interested in health, wellness, and financial freedom.

Contact Us
  • Call: +234 810 658 2919
  • Call: +234 805 512 2411
  • Email:
About This Website

DISCLAIMER: This website is not the official company website of Alliance in Motion Global, Inc. This is an independent distributor site that aims to contribute to the growth and expansion of AIM Global, Inc., by serving its current and potential distributors, clients, and all persons interested in health, wellness, and financial freedom. Posts and articles are for educational purposes only and do not constitute medical advise.